Importance of Comprehension

Murphy Reading has been designed to help parents to introduce and teach children to read. The emphasis is heavily placed on not only teaching the child how to read but more importantly to read with comprehension.

The multisensory teaching approach used in Murphy Reading results in children learning to read words, sentences and stories with full comprehension.

The importance of comprehension is key to a child’s enjoyment of reading. You would not watch a film on the television if the screen went black and you could only hear the sound would you? Likewise a number of parents and teachers report a child who can read the words but are unable to follow the story. The reason for this is due to a lack of comprehension. A child who does not comprehend a story quickly loses interest.

There are 10 Murphy Stories and they have been written specifically for Murphy Reading. The stories include all of the words that the child learns to read by playing the 30 Murphy Reading games and also some new words.

A child who has played the 30 Murphy Reading games has huge confidence in their reading because they know they can read 124 words. You can increase their confidence further by introducing the child to reading Murphy Stories.

If your child is over the age of 7 and has reading, spelling, sequencing or writing  difficulties please visit the website

“For what seemed like word blindness, where very few words seemed to be retained no matter how often gone over or sounded out, this system has transformed my child’s reading ability and spellings. Where before a story was made up of individual sentences that meant nothing only a line on a page, my child can now visualise the story and see it as a moving picture.”
Ita Hennessy, Kilkenny